Grey IU & GU Plants

How to perform auto to local?

  1. Login as Permit Requester and Go to Live Section of Permit Dashboard.
  2. Permit Requester can request for ‘Auto to Local’ only on ‘Permit with Energy Isolation’ type Live Permit.
  3. Select "PTW Change of Operation Mode from Auto to Local Workflow" Action from Select Action Drop- down List.
  4. After Permit Requester Requesting for ‘Auto to Local’ the Permit will move to the Department HOD.
  5. Login as Department HOD and Go to ‘Change of Operation’ Section of Permit Dashboard.
  6. Click on the Permit no or Select Action from the ‘Select Action’ drop-down list for Approve/reject the request.
  7. If Department HOD user Rejecting the ‘Auto to Local’ request then the Permit will return to the Live Section of Permit Requester.
  8. If Department HOD user Approved the ‘Auto to Local’ request then the Permit will move to the CCR operator user for ‘Auto to Local’ Approval.
  9. Here The Permit Requester user of all the other permit(s) that are in Live state and using the same equipment shall receive a Temporary Surrender (put PTW on hold) request.
  10. Login as CCR Operator and Go to ‘Change of Operation’ Section of Permit Dashboard.
  11. Click on the Permit no or Select Action from the ‘Select Action’ drop-down list for Accept the request.
  12. Here CCR Operator user Accepting the ‘Auto to Local’ request and the Permit is Switched to Auto to Local.
  13. Once the Local Mode of Operation is Activated for the Live Permit, then any other permit(s) that are using the same equipment shall be restricted by the system to go into Live state until the Live Permit which is in Local Mode doesn’t switches back to Auto mode of operation.

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