

Objective: Administrator can add/edit/update ‘Users’ with various details..

Image 1

  1. Enter details in the Employee Code, First name, Middle name & Last name text box fields. Here, Employee Code & Middle name is the non-mandatory field.
  2. Enter User name, Password, Contact & Email text box fields.
  3. If admin wants to add any user as an active directory user then user need to add with ‘Is Active Directory User?’ checkbox is selected.
  4. Click on ‘Upload’ for upload user photo.
  5. Click on ‘Choose Signature’ for upload respective user’s signature. Dimension size of image should be 140 X 60 and Max size should be 20 KB.
  6. Admin can select ‘Plant/Project’ from plant/project drop down, it is a non-mandatory field.
  7. If user wants to add user as a Working Agency Contractor then need to select ‘Working Agency Contractor’ checkbox and select appropriate Working Agency Contractor name from drop down.
  8. Click on Reset button to clear all the entry fields.
  9. Click on ‘Save’ button to save ‘User’.
  10. Check/uncheck ‘Active’ checkbox to make ‘User’ active/inactive.
  11. User can Edit/Update existing ‘User’ by clicking on edit button.
  12. Admin can view all the assigned role to the selected user by clicking on ‘Click to view Assigned Roles’ section.

Image 2

  1. User can apply filter for find particular user from the available ‘Users’ list in the grid area by choosing first alphabet of the user.
  2. User can export to excel, list of ‘Users’ by clicking on ‘Export’ icon.
  3. User can apply Plant wise filter for find particular User from the available ‘Users’ list in the grid area.
  4. User can search user name by writing user name in the search user detail.
  5. If user is added as a Active Directory user then ‘AD User’ checkbox is displaying as a selected.