

Objective: It allows Administrator user to create new Plant/Project. Update/view existing Plant/Project in the system.

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  1. Enter Plant/Project name and Short Code in respective text boxes.
  2. Click on ‘attachment’ icon to upload Site map.
  3. User can upload site map here, Image should be .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG and Max size should be 25MB.
  4. User can select ‘Time Zone’ from Time zone drop down field.
  5. User can define ‘Permit Send for Daily Approval at’ time by selecting time here.
  6. Select process workflow from ‘Process’ drop down.
  7. Select ‘Allow Copy Permit’ Checkbox, if user wants to perform copy permit functionality from closed permit.
  8. Select ‘Is WHR Approval Required’ Check box, if user wants WHR Approval during Excavation Process.
  9. Check/uncheck ‘Active’ check box to make a ‘Plant/Project’ active/inactive.
  10. Click on Reset button to clear all the entry fields.
  11. Click on Save button to save the ‘Plant/Project’ details.
  12. User can Edit/Update existing ‘Plant/Project’ by clicking on edit button. Here user cannot change Process.
  13. If required user can export list of all the plant/project list in the excel sheet by using ‘Export’ button from at the top of grid data.